Saturday, July 10, 2010

2 out of 3

I met with Ron and Sandy on Tuesday this month for our support group meeting. Sandy had some great news: She got SVR!!! I'm so happy for her and her family. Ron starts treatment again in the future so, hopefully, we'll be batting 1000 one of these days.


Kai Kingsley III said...

I am so against the 'chemo' approach to curing Hep C. In my case it was complete torture affecting mind and body. Sure, I was cured for a minute, and, then, relapse.
My Chinese tea (one cup a day for 6 years)has kept liver enzymes down as well as inflammation. I am now 63 and hope for a cure soon for those afflicted, but poison interferon only works one third of the time, if that.

PSPam said...

CONGRATULATIONS to Sandy for attaining SVR! That is such good news! I hope it stays that way! Statistically if it is going to "come back" it will do so within the first 3 months post treatment. I hope the viral load is still undetectable at 3 months! Again, CONGRATULATIONS!

To Kai Kingsley III -
The only thing that kills hepatitis C is interferon (and usually an antiviral like Ribavirin) You can "kid" yourself that your Chinese tea is doing something but liver enzymes being "down" isn't indicative of a thing. I am 62 and never had elevated liver enzymes. I have cirrhosis. Hope you don't keep your head in the sand for too long. Interferon works more than 1/3 of the time. It is a 50-50 shot right now with geno's 1 and 4 and about 75-80 with geno's 2 and 3. Next year with protease inhibitors added the chances of clearing will be even higher.

Do some "better" research and don't be fooled by the snake oil sales people offering false hope!

Kai Kingsley III said...

As I said, MS Pam. Just noticed your reply to my disagreement over your belief in chemo for Hep C.
I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to Hep C, but after dealing with it most of my life. I was advised to abandon the Interferon + more Western Medicine. I made a wise health decision by using alternative Chinese/Thai Medicine. Mine is in the form of tea made specially for me and given free from my clinic in Bangkok. After all these years since contracting it in the Army during that war, and being treated by the VA Hospital system with a group cure of 50%, I think, you should open your mind to alternative medicine that doesn't change your DNA like chemo. There are many therapies that may not cure, but keep you healthy. Neither you nor I are doctors. And, it's a lot of knowledge, research and suffering through a senseless, expensive chemo treatment that doesn't work for most. My Thai/Chinese treatment is administered to the members of the Royal Family, and we are all living happily, and hope to do so until a cure is finally proven to work 100%. Until then, I'll drink my cup of tea daily as I've done for the last eight years.