Sunday, July 25, 2010

There's not a lot to report right now. I'm feeling great. The doctor's office is having a new group start treatment on Friday and asked if I wanted to talk to the group. I'm going to do it. This time I'll remember to bring the list of side effects with me. The last time the nurse from the drug company kept asking me if I had restless sleep. For the life of me, I couldn't remember but when I checked the list, sure enough, I had it on there. Ironically, this coming Friday is when all the Hep C stuff started two years ago. Well, I thought I was having a gall bladder attack and had to get a hotel on the way to DC. Oh, it was so scary driving down the interstate with the kids in the back. Pete was out of town, etc. The pain was so severe. You can read about it here if you like.

I have a lot going on in my life right now. We bought 23 acres and we're trying to get our house ready to sell. I'm so thankful I'm not dealing with the treatment now. Life does go on...

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