Wednesday, June 3, 2009

a little tired, but feeling OK

I'm meeting with the support group tonight. There are three of us. We're trying to get this going but I guess there aren't a lot of people in this area interested. I'm not in an urban area so that might be part of it.

Molly Maid Service came on Monday. I am so glad I got them. I'm going to keep them through the summer while I continue treatment. I just can't do it all right now.

I worked Monday and then had a softball game that night. I totally overdid it. It's two days later and I'm still very tired. My legs felt like lead Monday night.

I have noticed that my side effects are getting better. My dry skin (rash, itching) is so much better! I can't wait to get back to "normal!"

I'm seeing the nurse practitioner today at the counseling place. I was so moody yesterday but I think it's due to the fatigue from working on Monday. (not to mention having to be at work by 6:45 am).

All in all, this week is looking up.

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