Saturday, May 2, 2009

14th shot

I got my 14th shot last night. I had a good sleep, too. The 20 mg of Paxil is kicking in and my mood is a lot better.

This weekend will be crazy as I get ready for my New Zealand trip. My mom flies in tonight and we will be busy tomorrow packing and grocery shopping. I'm excited about this trip and I'm so glad I decided to do it.

One of the women in my support group (there are 3 of us) found out she will get to continue treatment. She is genotype 1 and has had the virus for 30 years. She acquired it after a blood transfusion after an ectopic pregnancy years ago. Her second daughter got the virus from birth. I'm so happy for S! Her 12 week viral load was 52--2 away from being undetectable.

1 comment:

Changedit said...

happy packing ... and happy quality time with ur mum. xxx