Saturday, May 23, 2009

7 weeks to go...

I had my 17th shot last night. 17th! I look back, and can't believe how fast it's gone. I'll be honest, there were days when I thought I would never make it. And for me the depression is what makes it hard. But now that the anti depressants are at the right strength, I feel like I can handle the next few weeks.

My husband got back yesterday from New Zealand. He took the kids out this morning so I could have some time alone. It's been a while since I've been alone and I'm looking forward to it.

I did have a scare last night. I was out of medicine yesterday for my evening ribas and the interferon injection. The UPS guy showed up around 6:30 pm. Phew! That was a little close.

1 comment:

Living Dees Life said...

your in the home stretch!!! yay!!