Thursday, March 19, 2009

Behind the 8 ball...

The fatigue has been really bad the last few days. I wake up after a fitful night of sleep (if you can call it sleep) and after an hour, I want to go back to bed. I actually took a nap this past Monday around 11 am. It felt so good. I think I need to nap everyday around that time. (In a perfect world, this would be the case).

This morning I felt like I was "behind the 8 ball" as soon as I got up. I just had no energy but life continued. Get kids up. Make lunch for Kendall. Make breakfast for kids. Eat cereal so I can take ribavirin. Quickly make coffee. Drink coffee. Put makeup on. Tell kids to eat, then brush teeth. And then we were rushing out the door. I shouldn't be tired from that, but I was. :(

I was late to the bible study but didn't care. Afterward, I met my friend and her son for lunch. She could tell I was tired and offered to watch Clayton so I could rest. I took her up on it. I managed a little nap and I locked in on a new interest rate to refinance! I should have napped a lot longer....

I wasn't feeling great after dinner and decided to skip girls night out. You know you're tired when you skip girls night out.

Life does go on...

1 comment:

Living Dees Life said...

i sincerly hope that your feeling better today.
