Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Grapes, anyone?

Nothing new to report. I did take a two hour nap on Monday which helped me immensely. You know when you put your head down at 11:30 am and go to sleep immediately, it must be needed. The itching is still very annoying. Arghh. The insomnia is there, too. What else? Oh, my friend, Fatigue. Yes, she is still here but I'm hoping she leaves in a couple of weeks. I think the one side effect that I read about and totally poo-pooed is the metallic taste in my mouth. Most foods taste weird. I still drink coffee, but it has a strange taste. I think I ate my weight in grapes yesterday. Yep, if something tastes yummy, I eat it until I can't eat it anymore. I bought more grapes today!

My 4 year old is having a friend over today after preschool. It's a standing playdate where the mommy doesn't come. That's fine. It's easier to let the boys play and not have to chat with a mom. I would prefer not to have the boy over, but my little guy is so bored after preschool. The mom doesn't know about the Hep C (I'm not close to her at all). I might have to cancel next week so I can have an afternoon of nothing. Speaking of the two, I need to go pick them up. Sigh. Is it summer yet? I beleive the end of July is the month that all this crap will be over.


Living Dees Life said...

hang in there! i know it seems drawn out and like it'll never end, but just 1 day at a time. and if you need naps then take em! i love naps :) but i love staying up way too late and waking up way too early! lol

can the other mom take your kid for a playdate instead of you having them??

My Other Blog said...

How low is your WBC and ANC? Kids are such germy little people, even your own kids.
Ditto on what Blaez said about getting your child(ren) off your hands for a few hours!