Thursday, April 23, 2009

The emotional rollercoaster of Hep C treatment

She's up. She's down. She's up. She's down. She's up. She's down. She's.....

You get the picture.

The last couple of weeks have been rough. I upped the paxil because I could feel the depression getting worse. My husband was less than understanding (understatement of the year) and I have felt so overwhelmed. The house is messy and I feel so much guilt for not being the super mom/wife/friend that I should be. I'm so tired.

I see the doctor tomorrow, so I know that might be part of it. I seem to get anxious before the appointments which makes me a little more emotional. I hope I don't cry in front of him, but it's not looking good.

I just need some coddling and some kids gloves. All the time. I can't wait until the end of July when I will be done with all of this crap.


Changedit said...

Awful, when u have a partner who is not supportive. I hope u get him back when u finally finish tx. I found I was a completely changed person and don't put up with crap anymore from anybody. Hope u feel better today. x

ChildoftheKing said...

I feel so badly for you! Hang in there...
Today is one week post treatment for me... and the first change I noticed once treatment ended was the change in my mood!
Physically I still feel tired, but the mood is the BIG thing.
I am sending hugs across the miles. Please feel loved and supported from little old me.
Sometimes you just want some sympathy, some tender loving care, and a huge heap of understanding.
IT WILL GET BETTER and YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS - just one day at a time.

ChildoftheKing said...

Looking forward to hearing about how your appointment went today, and about your 12 week viral load...

My Other Blog said...

I hope things improve when you're done treatment. Like Fishy, I developed a permanent 'edge' to my personality while on treatment and I don't put up with crap from people anymore either.
Cheer up - Spring is here! At least for today!