Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The last few days I've had headaches. The itching is still there, but it has lessened. But today, I am so down. I have no energy and I don't want to do anything. My son has soccer tonight and I don't have the desire to take him. Ugh. I think it's time to up the dose on the Paxil. I'm on a really low dose as it is, but I think the medicines are taking their toll on my serotonin levels.

I am almost halfway through the treatment. Friday will be my 12th shot and then the next week I'll have the very important 12 week viral load drawn. I know these next few days will drag on and on. Then, the clinic rescheduled my appointment so that I will be there when the second hepatitis c group starts their treatment.

That's it for today. I need to light a fire under my butt and tidy this house. Oh well.

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